Nilbar Güreş
Antrepo No.3
Feriköy Greek School

Born in 1977, İstanbul. Lives in İstanbul and Vienna.

The works of Nilbar Güreş thematise female identity and gender discourses, exploring the tactics of visibility in public space. Against the backdrop of changing gender roles in contemporary Turkey, Güreş produces striking visual representations that challenge the traditional patriarchal order that has been operating since the invention of normality, (hetero) sexuality and sexual perversion in the late 19th century.
Collages, drawings and photographs entitled Unknown Sports (2008-09) show a different way of securing the domestic space as a place of dissent. The series shows women as domestic transgender servants who spend their time cleaning the house and making themselves beautiful. Güreş has staged three performances in a gym, collaborating with women who recreate ideas from her drawings for photographic triptychs that subversively break down women's reality. Aesthetic fetishisms and occupations such as body hair waxing, styling or vacuum cleaning, understood as typical female practices, are depicted in an obsessive way. Preparing the body for the absent, working husband raises threatening and painful associations with sexual abuse and domestic violence.