Margaret Harrison
Antrepo No.3

Born in 1940, Yorkshire. Lives in Cumbria.

Margaret Harrison's work exploring the relationship of aesthetics and its wider social context is a cornerstone of feminist artistic practice dealing with the representation of gender and power. In 1970, she founded the London Women's Liberation Art Group. Her first solo exhibition in 1971, featuring drawings of icons of popular culture, with ambivalent and transformed gender, was closed by police due to its 'offensive' character.
Harrison's works often deal with the position of women within the work economy. In order to affect the political discourse more directly, the documentary installation Homeworkers (1977-1978) was initiated when the Equal Pay Act came into force in the UK. At that time many low paid jobs moved into the domestic realm. Homeworkers looks into the situation of non-unionised women doing manufacturing work at home, juxtaposing the case studies of homeworkers with newspaper clippings and historical data on the workers' movement. Most of the investigations for the project were done in collaboration with Helen Eadie, a Trade Union officer campaigning to unionise home workers. At a time when outsourcing and the movement of capital was increasingly used as a means of manipulation over workers and for quelling the workers' movement, Harrison advocated political action and strong political discourse as the only effective means of fighting for workers' and women's rights.