Born in 1977, Boston. Lives in New York.
Oraib Toukan works with video, text, photography and installation. The Equity is in the Circle (2007-2009) is a corporate intervention that purports to auction off nation states in the Middle East, under a 100-year leasehold. The region to be auctioned is based on borders proposed by a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters in his article 'Blood borders: How a better Middle East would look.' The work consists of several interrelated documents, advertising spreads, letters, videos, and printed matter. Shown here are Costing a nation (2007), Middle East Auction Catalogue (2007), Talking Heads: Conversations with Leading Experts on Auctioning the Middle East (2009), and Reworking Ammar (2009). In these works Toukan reaches out to real life experts for consultation on the steps needed to auction off this territory including a real estate agent, a brander, a diplomatic advisor, a financial strategist, a PR consultant, a media strategist, and a Middle East affairs advisor. The proposal eventually leads to a branded initiative entitled Nayruz holdings.